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Hydrogen Relative Permeability Hysteresis in Underground Storage


Implementation of the hydrogen economy for emission reduction will require storage facilities,and underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in porous media offers a readily available large-scale option. Lack ofstudies on multiphase hydrogen flow in porous media is one of the several barriers for accurate predictions ofUHS. This paper reports, for the first time, measurements of hysteresis in hydrogen-water relative permeabilityin a sandstone core under shallow storage conditions. We use the steady state technique to measure primarydrainage, imbibition and secondary drainage relative permeabilities, and extend laboratory measurements withnumerical history matching and capillary pressure measurements to cover the whole mobile saturation range.We observe that gas and water relative permeabilities show strong hysteresis, and nitrogen as substitute forhydrogen in laboratory assessments should be used with care. Our results serve as calibrated input to field scalenumerical modeling of hydrogen injection and withdrawal processes during porous media UHS.

Funding source: The authors acknowledge the financialsupport from the Research Council ofNorway under project Hydrogen Storagein Subsurface Porous Media—EnablingTransition to Net-Zero Society (projectnumber 325457) and Clean offshoreenergy by hydrogen storage in petroleumreservoirs (project number 315804).
Countries: Norway

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