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Reducing the Environmental Impact of International Aviationg through Sustainable Aviation Fuel with Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage


Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) represent the short-term solution to reduce fossil carbon emissions from aviation. The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) was globally adopted to foster and make SAFs production economically competitive. Fischer-Tropsch synthetic paraffinic kerosene (FTSPK) produced from forest residue is a promising CORSIA-eligible fuel. FT conversion pathway permits the integration of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, which provides additional carbon offsetting ca pacities. The FT-SPK with CCS process was modelled to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the conversion pathway. Life-cycle assessment (LCA) with a well-to-wake approach was performed to quantify the SAF’s carbon footprint considering both biogenic and fossil carbon dynamics. Results showed that 0.09 kg FT-SPK per kg of dry biomass could be produced, together with other hydrocarbon products. Well-to-wake fossil emissions scored 21.6 gCO2e per MJ of FT-SPK utilised. When considering fossil and biogenic carbon dynamics, a negative carbon flux (-20.0 gCO2eMJ− 1 ) from the atmosphere to permanent storage was generated. However, FT-SPK is limited to a 50 %mass blend with conventional Jet A/A1 fuel. Using the certified blend reduced Jet A/A1 fossil emissions in a 37 %, and the net carbon flux resulted positive (30.9 gCO2eMJ− 1 ). Sensitivity to variations in process as sumptions was investigated. The lifecycle fossil-emissions reported in this study resulted 49 % higher than the CORSIA default value for FT-SPK. In a UK framework, only 0.7 % of aviation fuel demand could be covered using national resources, but the emission reduction goal in aviation targeted for 2037 could be satisfied when considering CCS.

Funding source: This work was conducted as part of the NewJet Network+, supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (Grant number: EP/S032118/1), the EPSRC/BBSRC Supergen Bioenergy Hub (Grant number: EP/S000771/1); and the European Union’s Hori zon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skło dowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101034371.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Spain ; United Kingdom

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