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Cost-optimal Design and Operation of Hydrogen Refueling Stations with Mechanical and Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressors


Hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) can cause a significant fraction of the hydrogen refueling cost. The main cost contributor is the currently used mechanical compressor. Electrochemical hydrogen compression (EHC) has recently been proposed as an alternative. However, its optimal integration in an HRS has yet to be investigated. In this study, we compare the performance of a gaseous HRS equipped with different compressors. First, we develop dynamic models of three process configurations, which differ in the compressor technology: mechanical vs. electrochemical vs. combined. Then, the design and operation of the compressors are optimized by solving multi-stage dynamic optimization problems. The optimization results show that the three configurations lead to comparable hydrogen dispensing costs, because the electrochemical configuration exhibits lower capital cost but higher energy demand and thus operating cost than the mechanical configuration. The combined configuration is a trade-off with intermediate capital and operating cost.

Funding source: This work was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) within the project HyInnoSep of Zukunftcluster Wasserstoff (grant number 03ZU1115CA).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Belgium ; Germany

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