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Optimal Operation Strategy for Wind–Photovoltaic Power-Based Hydrogen Production Systems Considering Electrolyzer Start-Up Characteristics


Combining electrolytic hydrogen production with wind–photovoltaic power can effectively smooth the fluctuation of power and enhance the schedulable wind–photovoltaic power, which provides an effective solution to solve the problem of wind–photovoltaic power accommodation. In this paper, the optimization operation strategy is studied for the wind–photovoltaic power-based hydrogen production system. Firstly, to make up for the deficiency of the existing research on the multi-state and nonlinear characteristics of electrolyzers, the three-state and power-current nonlinear characteristics of the electrolyzer cell are modeled. The model reflects the difference between the cold and hot starting time of the electrolyzer, and the linear decoupling model is easy to apply in the optimization model. On this basis, considering the operation constraints of the electrolyzer, hydrogen storage tank, battery, and other equipment, the optimization operation model of the wind–photovoltaic power-based hydrogen production system is developed based on the typical scenario approach. It also considers the cold and hot starting time of the electrolyzer with the daily operation cost as the goal. The results show that the operational benefits of the system can be improved through the proposed strategy. The hydrogen storage tank capacity will have an impact on the operation income of the wind–solar hydrogen coupling system, and the daily operation income will increase by 0.32% for every 10% (300 kg) increase in the hydrogen storage tank capacity.

Funding source: This research was funded by Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Technology Project (030600KC23100019).
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain

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