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Life-cycle Carbon-intensity Mapping for Hydrogen-driven Energy and Economy


Innovative approaches on clean alternative energy sources are important for future decarbonization. Electrification and hydrogen energy are crucial pathways for decarbonization in both transportation and buildings. However, life-cycle stage-wise carbon intensity is still unclear for both hydrogen- and electricity-driven energy. Furthermore, systematic evaluation on low-carbon transition pathways is insufficient specifically within the Internet of Energy that interfaces hydrogen and electricity. Here, a generic approach is proposed for quantifying life-cycle stage-wise carbon intensity of both hydrogen- and electricity-driven energy internets. Life-cycle decarbonization effects on vehicle pathways are compared with traditional vehicles with internal-combustion engines. Techno-economic and environmental feasibility of the future advanced hydrogen-driven Internet of Energy is analyzed based on net present value. The region-wise carbon-intensity map and associated decarbonization strategies will help researchers and policymakers in promoting sustainable development with the hydrogen economy.

Funding source: This work was supported by the National Development and Reform Commission (2023-Dual Carbon-3), Natural Science Foundation Project (General Project)- Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund (2414050003253), Regional Joint Fund Youth Fund Project (2022A1515110364 and P00038-1002), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation 2023 (2023A04J1035 and P00121- 1003), Joint Funding of Institutes and Enterprises in 2023 (2023A03J0104, P00054-1003, and 1004), and Green Tech Fund in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ‘‘Developing Low-Cost PEM Electrolysis at Scale by Optimizing Transport Components and Electrode Interfaces’’ (GTF202220034). This work was also supported/funded by the Guangzhou-HKUST(GZ) Joint Funding Program (no. 2024A03J0630), HKUST-Enterprise Cooperation Project (R00017-2001), HKUST-Enterprise Cooperation Project ‘‘Research on Development of VehicleCity-Network and Electric Vehicle Charging Pile Industry’’ (R00114-2001), HKUST-Enterprise Cooperation Project (R00017-2001), HKUST-Enterprise Cooperation Project ‘‘Optimization Design of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Plate’’ (R00072-2001), and HKUST-Enterprise Cooperation Project ‘‘Next-Generation Radiant Cooling for Built Environment’’ (R00079-2001). This research was supported by a Hong Kong University of Science and Technology startup grant (G0101000059). This work was also supported in part by the Project of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (HZQB-KCZYB-2020083).
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics

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