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Grid-neutral Hydrogen Mobility: Dynamic Modelling and Techno-economic Assessment of a Renewable-powered Hydrogen Plant


The seasonally varying potential to produce electricity from renewable sources such as wind, PV and hydropower is a challenge for the continuous supply of hydrogen for transport and mobility. Seasonal storage of energy allows to avoid the use of grid electricity when it is scarce; storage systems can thus increase the resilience of the energy system. For grid-neutral and renewable hydrogen production, an electrolyser is considered together with a Power-to-Gas seasonal storage system, which consists of a methanation, the gas grid as intermediate storage and a steam reformer. As feed stream, electricity from an own photovoltaic (PV) system is considered, and for some cases additional electricity from the grid or from a wind turbine. The dynamic operation of the plant during a year is simulated. It is possible to safely supply fuel cell vehicles with hydrogen from the grid-neutral plant without using electricity when it is scarce and expensive. To supply 135 kgH2/day, unit sizes of 1 MW–2.9 MW for the PV system and 0.9 MW–2.6 MW for the electrolysis are required depending on the amount of available grid-electricity. The usage of grid-electricity increases the capacity factor of the electrolysis, which results in decreased unit sizes and in a better economic performance. Seasonal storage of energy is required, which results in an increased hydrogen production in summer of approximately 50% more than directly needed by the fuel cell vehicles. The overall efficiency from electricity to hydrogen is decreased due to the storage path by 10%-points to 56% based on the higher heating value. Assuming a cost-equivalent hydrogen price per driven kilometre in comparison to the actual diesel price and electricity costs of 10 Ct/kWhel from the grid, the revenues of the system are higher than the operating costs.

Funding source: This research project, especially the work of J.W., was financially supported by the Kanton Argovia, and the work of H.M. was supported by Professor Alexander Wokaun and the ETH Zurich Foundation within the ReMaP project. All authors would like to acknowledge financial and other support from the ESI Platform at PSI.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Switzerland

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