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A Review of Alternative Processes for Green Hydrogen Production Focused on Generating Hydrogen from Biomass


Hydrogen plays a leading role in achieving a future with net zero greenhouse gas emissions. The present challenge is producing green hydrogen to cover the fuel demands of transportation and industry to gain independence from fossil fuels. This review’s goal is to critically demonstrate the existing methods of biomass treatment and assess their ability to scale up. Biomass is an excellent hydrogen carrier and biomass-derived processes are the main target for hydrogen production as they provide an innovative pathway to green hydrogen production. Comparing the existing processes, thermochemical treatment is found to be far more evolved than biological or electrochemical treatment, especially with regard to scaling prospects.

Funding source: This research was funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research under Grant Agreement No. 101112056 (TRIERES).
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Greece

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