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Towards Low-carbon Power Networks: Optimal Location and Sizing of Renewable Energy Sources and Hydrogen Storage


This paper proposes a systematic optimization framework to jointly determine the optimal location and sizing decisions of renewables and hydrogen storage in a power network to achieve the transition to low-carbon networks efficiently. We obtain these strategic decisions based on the multi-period alternating current optimal power flow (AC MOPF) problem that jointly analyzes power network, renewable, and hydrogen storage interactions at the operational level by considering the uncertainty of renewable output, seasonality of electricity demand, and electricity prices. We develop a tailored solution approach based on second-order cone programming within a Benders decomposition framework to provide globally optimal solutions. In a test case, we show that the joint integration of renewable sources and hydrogen storage and consideration of the AC MOPF model significantly reduces the operational cost of the power network. In turn, our findings can provide quantitative insights to decision-makers on how to integrate renewable sources and hydrogen storage under different settings of the hydrogen selling price, renewable curtailment cost, emission tax price, and conversion efficiency.

Funding source: 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Netherlands

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