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Regional Capabilities and Hydrogen Adoption Barriers


Hydrogen is gaining importance to decarbonize the energy system and tackle the climate crisis. This exploratory study analyzes three focus groups with representatives from relevant organizations in a Northern German region that has unique beneficial characteristics for the transition to a hydrogen economy. Based upon this data, (1) a category system of innovation adoption barriers for hydrogen technologies is developed, (2) decision levels associated with the barriers are identified, (3) detailed insights on how decision levels contribute to the adoption barriers are provided and (4) the barriers are evaluated in terms of their importance. Our analysis adds to existing literature by focusing on short-term barriers and exploring relevant decision levels and their associated adoption barriers. Our main results comprise the following: flaws in the funding system, complex approval procedures, lack of networks and high costs contribute to hydrogen adoption barriers. The (Sub-)State level is relevant for the uptake of the hydrogen economy. Regional entities have leeway to foster the hydrogen transition, especially with respect to the distribution infrastructure. Funding policy, technological suitability, investment and operating costs, and the availability of distribution infrastructure and technical components are highly important adoption barriers that alone can impede the transition to a hydrogen economy.

Funding source: This research is part of the project ‘‘H2B - roadmap for gradual defossilization of the steel industry and urban infrastructures using electrolysis hydrogen in Bremen’’ (grant number AUF0013B), funded by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Federal State of Bremen (Germany).
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Germany

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