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Identifying Social Aspect Related to the Hydrogen Economy: Review, Synthesis, and Research Perspectives


Energy transition will reshape the power sector, and hydrogen is a key energy carrier that could contribute to energy security. The inclusion of sustainability criteria is crucial for the adequate design/deployment of resilient hydrogen networks. While cost and environmental metrics are commonly included in hydrogen models, social aspects are rarely considered. This paper aims to identify the social criteria related to the hydrogen economy by using a systematic hybrid literature review. The main contribution is the identification of twelve social aspects which are described, ranked, and discussed. “Accessibility”, “Information”, “H2 markets”, and “Acceptability” are now emerging as the main themes of hydrogen-related social research. Identified gaps are e.g., lack of the definition of the value of H2 for society, insufficient research for “socio-political” aspects (e.g., geopolitics, wellbeing), scarce application of social lifecycle assessment, and the low amount of works with a focus on social practices and cultural issues.

Funding source: This work was supported by the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies [grant number CIAS-44/2021].
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: France ; Hungary

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