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Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Geothermal Sourced Multigeneration System for Sustainable City


The issue of depleting fossil fuels has emphasized the use of renewable energy. Multigeneration systems fueled by renewables such as geothermal, biomass, solar, etc., have proven to be cutting-edge technologies for the production of different valuable by-products. This study proposes a multigeneration system using a geothermal source of energy. The main outputs include power, space heating, cooling, fresh and hot water, dry air, and hydrogen. The system includes a regenerative Rankine cycle, a double effect absorption cycle and a double flash desalination cycle. A significant amount of electrical power, hydrogen and fresh water is generated, which can be used for commercial or domestic purposes. The power output is 103 MW. The thermal efficiency is 24.42%, while energetic and exergetic efficiencies are 54.22% and 38.96%, respectively. The COPen is found to be 1.836, and the COPex is found to be 1.678. The hydrogen and fresh water are produced at a rate of 0.1266 kg/s and 37.6 kg/s, respectively.

Funding source: The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research and Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia, for funding this research work through project no. (IFKSURG-1497).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Pakistan ; Saudi Arabia

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