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Towards the Integration of Flexible Green Hydrogen Demand and Production in Ireland: Opportunities, Barriers, and Recommendations


Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 2021 has set out ambitious targets for decarbonization across the energy, transport, heating and agriculture sectors. The Climate Action Plan followed the Climate Act 2021, which committed Ireland to a legally binding target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions no later than 2050, and a reduction of 51% by 2030. Green hydrogen is recognized as one of the most promising technologies for enabling the decarbonization targets of economies across the globe, but significant challenges remain to its large-scale adoption. This research systematically investigates the barriers and opportunities to establishing a green hydrogen economy by 2050 in Ireland, by means of an analysis of the policies supporting the optimal development of an overall green hydrogen eco-system, in the context of other decarbonizing technologies, including green hydrogen production using renewable generation, distribution and delivery, and final consumption. The outcome of this analysis is a set of clear recommendations for the policymaker that will appropriately support the development of a green hydrogen market and eco-system in parallel with the development of other more mature low-carbon technologies. The analysis has been supplemented by an open “call for evidence,” which gathered relevant information about the future policy and roles of hydrogen involving the most prominent stakeholders of hydrogen in Ireland. Furthermore, the recommendations and conclusions from the research have been validated by this mechanism.

Funding source: This work was funded as part of the “Energy Policy Insights for Climate Action” project, which has received funding from the Department of Environment, Climate, and Communication, Government of Ireland [grant agreement number R19097]. The funding body was not involved in conducting the research and its associated publications.
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Ireland

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