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Improved Engine Performance and Significantly Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Fumigating Hydrogen in a Diesel Engine


A thermodynamic model was developed for combustion, performance, and emissions with a reference diesel fuel, a 10 vol% methanol blend with 90 vol% diesel, a 10 vol% ethanol with 90 vol% diesel and a 4% hydrogen fumigating in the inlet port along with diesel direct injection. The diesel and two alcohol blends (10% methanol–90% diesel, and 10% ethanol–90% diesel) was directly injected into the cylinder, while hydrogen was fumigated at the inlet port. The model was developed by commercial GT-Suite software. Besides engine performance, exergy and energy rates were estimated for the four fuels. Among the four fuels/fuel blends, hydrogen fuel (4% fumigated hydrogen) shows the best performance in terms of exergy, energy rates, specific fuel consumption, power, and greenhouse gas emissions. Regarding greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide was only considered in this investigation as it contributes to a significant detrimental effect on environmental pollution.

Funding source: The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Kuwait (CR19-45EM-01) and Central Queensland University, Australia (RSH/5221) partially funded this investigation.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Australia ; Kuwait ; Qatar

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