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Analysis of Hydrogen Filling of 175 Liter Tank for Large-Sized Hydrogen Vehicle


Due to the low density of hydrogen gas under ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure conditions, the high-pressure gaseous hydrogen storage method is widely employed. With high-pressure characteristics of hydrogen storage, rigorous safety precautions are required, such as filling of compressed gas in a hydrogen tank to achieve reliable operational solutions. Especially for the large-sized tanks (above 150 L), safety operation of hydrogen storage should be considered. In the present study, the compressed hydrogen gas behavior in a large hydrogen tank of 175 L is investigated for its filling. To validate the numerical approach used in this study, numerical models for the adaptation of the gas and turbulence models are examined. Numerical parametric studies on hydrogen filling for the large hydrogen tank of 175 L are conducted to estimate the hydrogen gas behavior in the hydrogen tank under various conditions of state of charge of pressure and ambient temperature. From the parametric studies, the relationship between the initial SOC pressure condition and the maximum temperature rise of hydrogen gas was shown. That is, the maximum temperature rise increases as the ambient temperature decreases, and the rise increases as the SOC decreases.

Funding source: This research is funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE, Korea) for the Materials/Parts Technology Development Program (20017575, Development of Applicability Evaluation Technology for Cryogenic Insulation Material and Storage Vessel considering Operating Condition of Hydrogen Commercial Vehicle).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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