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Hydrogen Production Possibilities in Slovak Republic


Slovak Republic is a member of the European Union and is a part of the European energy market. Although Slovakia contributes only marginally to global emissions, there is an effort to meet obligations from the Paris climate agreement to reduce greenhouse gases. As in many countries, power industry emissions dominate Slovakia’s emissions output but are partly affected and lowered by the share of nuclear energy. The transition from fossil fuels to renewables is supported by the government, and practical steps have been taken to promote the wide use of renewable resources, such as biomass or solar energy. Another step in this transition process is the support of new technologies that use hydrogen as the primary energy source. The European Union widely supports this effort and is looking for possible sources for hydrogen generation. One of the main renewable resources is hydropower, which is already used in the Slovak Republic. This article presents the current situation of the energy market in Slovakia and possible developments for future hydrogen generation.

Funding source: This research is supported by the project “Use of hydrogen as ingredients in gas for heat and electricity production”, UNIZA 2021. This research is supported by the project VEGA-1/0479/19—“Influence of combustion conditions on the production of solid pollutants in small heat sources”. This research is supported by the project VEGA-1/0233/19—Design modification of a burner for burning solid fuels in small heat sources.
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Slovak Republic

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