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The Techno-economics Potential of Hydrogen Interconnectors for Electrical Energy Transmission and Storage


This research introduces a ‘Hydrogen Interconnector System’ (HIS) as a novel method 7 for transporting electrical energy over long distances. The system takes electricity from 8 stranded renewable energy assets, converts it to hydrogen in an electrolyser plant, transports 9 hydrogen to the demand centre via pipeline, where it is reconverted to electricity in either a 10 gas turbine or fuel cell plant. This paper evaluates the competitiveness of the technology with 11 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems, calculating the following techno-economic 12 indicators; Levelised Cost Of Electricity (LCOE) and Levelised Cost Of Storage (LCOS). The 13 results suggest that the LCOE of the HIS is competitive with HVDC for construction in 2050 14 with distance beyond 350km in case of all scenarios for a 1GW system. The LCOS is lower 15 than an HVDC system using large scale hydrogen storage in 6 out of 12 scenarios analysed, 16 including for construction from 2025. The HIS was also applied to three case studies, with 17 the results showing that the system outperforms HVDC from LCOS perspectives in all cases, 18 and has 15-20% lower investment costs in 2 studies analysed.

Funding source: This research work was funded by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council of UK (Grant numbers: EP/T022949/1 and EP/S032134/1).
Countries: United Kingdom

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