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Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Hydriding and Dehydriding Reactions in Mg-based Hydrogen Storage Materials


Mg-based materials are one of the most promising hydrogen storage candidates due to their high hydrogen storage capacity, environmental benignity, and high Clarke number characteristics. However, the limited thermodynamics and kinetic properties pose major challenges for their engineering applications. Herein, we review the recent progress in improving their thermodynamics and kinetics, with an emphasis on the models and the influence of various parameters in the calculated models. Subsequently, the impact of alloying, composite, and nano-crystallization on both thermodynamics and dynamics are discussed in detail. In particular, the correlation between various modification strategies and the hydrogen capacity, dehydrogenation enthalpy and temperature, hydriding/dehydriding rates are summarized. In addition, the mechanism of hydrogen storage processes of Mg-based materials is discussed from the aspect of classical kinetic theories and microscope hydrogen transferring behavior. This review concludes with an outlook on the remaining challenge issues and prospects.

Funding source: This work was supported by the Chongqing Special Key Project of Technology Innovation and Application Develop- ment, China (cstc2019jscx-dxwtB0029), the National Natu- ral Science Foundation of China (51871143), the Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai (19010500400), the Shanghai Rising-Star Program (21QA1403200), Chongqing Research Program of Basic Research and Frontier Technol- ogy (No. cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0306), the Start-up Funds of Chongqing University (02110011044171), the Senior Talent Start-up Funds of Jiangsu University (4111310024) and the Independent Research Project of State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions (SKLMT-ZZKT-2021M11)

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