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Storage System of Renewable Energy Generated Hydrogen for Chemical Industry


Chemical industry is the base of the value chains, and has strong influence on the competitiveness of almost all branches in economics. To develop the technologies for sustainability and climate protection and at the same time to guarantee the supply of raw material is a big challenge for chemical industry. In the project CO2RRECT (CO2 - Reaction using Regenerative Energies and Catalytic Technologies), funded by the German federal ministry of Education and Research, carbon dioxide is used as the source of carbon for chemical products with certain chemical processes. Hydrogen that is needed in these processes is produced by electrolyzing water with renewable energy. To store a large amount of hydrogen, different storage systems are studied in this project, including liquid hydrogen tanks/cryo tanks, high pressure tanks, pipelines and salt cavities. These systems are analyzed and compared considering their storage capacity, system costs, advantages and disadvantages. To analyze capital and operational expenditure of the hydrogen storage systems a calculation methodology is also developed in this work.

Countries: Germany

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