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Emissions control and performance evaluation of spark ignition engine with oxy-hydrogen blending


Fast depletion of fossil fuels and their detrimental effect to the environment is demanding an urgent need of alternative fuels for meeting sustainable energy demand with minimum environmental impact.  Expert studies indicate hydrogen is one of the most promising energy carriers for the future due to its superior combustion qualities and availability. The use of hydrogen in spark ignition internal combustion engine may be part of an integrated solution to the problem of depletion of fossil fuels and pollution of the environment. The broader flammability limits and fast flame propagation velocity of hydrogen ensures complete combustion of fuel and allows engine to be operated at lean ranges. Lean burn operation comparatively maintains NOx, CO and HC emissions at a very low level. In the present work oxyhydrogen (HHO) gas is produced in leak proof plexiglass reactor by electrolysis of water using potassium hydroxide as electrolyte.  The HHO gas generator is attached to a spark ignition engine, currently operating on the road without any modifications of the engine. The HHO gas produced is then added to the air which is being drawn into the engine.  Experiments were conducted on a 4-stroke single cylinder natural air cooled spark ignition engine to determine total fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption, air fuel ratio, brake power and brake thermal efficiency and emissions CO, CO2, O2, NOx, HC at different loads with and without addition of HHO gas to gasoline for lower speeds ranging from 700 rpm to 1500 rpm. Also mileage tests were conducted to find the speed at which the fuel consumption is optimum.

Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending
Countries: India

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