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PEM Fuel Cell Performance with Solar Air Preheating


Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) have proven to be a promising energy conversion technology in various power applications and since it was developed, it has been a potential alternative over fossil fuel-based engines and power plants, all of which produce harmful by-products. The inlet air coolant and reactants have an important effect on the performance degradation of the PEMFC and certain power outputs. In this work, a theoretical model of a PEM fuel cell with solar air heating system for the preheating hydrogen of PEM fuel cell to mitigate the performance degradation when the fuel cell operates in cold environment, is proposed and evaluated by using energy analysis. Considering these heating and energy losses of heat generation by hydrogen fuel cells, the idea of using transpired solar collectors (TSC) for air preheating to increase the inlet air temperature of the low-temperature fuel cell could be a potential development. The aim of the current article is applying solar air preheating for the hydrogen fuel cells system by applying TSC and analyzing system performance. Results aim to attention fellow scholars as well as industrial engineers in the deployment of solar air heating together with hydrogen fuel cell systems that could be useful for coping with fossil fuel-based power supply systems.

Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Hungary ; Turkey

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