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Scotland’s Energy Strategy Position Statement


This policy statement provides:
An overview of our key priorities for the short to medium-term and then moves on to look at how we have continued to abide by the three key principles set out in Scotland's Energy Strategy published in 2017 in our policy design and delivery. Those principles are:

  • a whole-system view;
  • an inclusive energy transition; and
  • a smarter local energy model.
An overview of how we have committed to ensuring a green economic recovery, in respect of energy, while remaining aligned to our net zero ambitions. We have set these out under the following themes to align with our wider green recovery narrative in the Programme for Government
  • Skills and Jobs;
  • Supporting Local Communities:
  • Investment; and
  • Innovation
along with some specific policy examples.

Separate sections have been included on Maximising Scotland's International Potential in the lead up to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) and on Consumers to reflect the challenging economic climate we currently face and to highlight the action being taken by the Scottish Government to ensure the cost of our energy transition does not fall unequally.

This statement provides an overview of our approach to supporting the energy sector in the lead up to COP26 and as we embark on a green economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. It summarises how our recent policy publications such as our Hydrogen Policy Statement, Local Energy Policy Statement and Offshore Wind Policy Statement collectively support the delivery of the Climate Change Plan update along with the future findings from our currently live consultations including our draft Heat in Buildings Strategy, our Call for Evidence on the future development of the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP) and our consultation on Scottish skills requirements for energy efficiency.

While this statement sets out our comprehensive programme of work across the energy sector, the current Energy Strategy (2017) remains in place until any further Energy Strategy refresh is adopted by Ministers. It is at the stage of refreshing Scotland's Energy Strategy where we will embark on a series of stakeholder engagements and carry out the relevant impact assessments to inform our thinking on future policy development.

Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United Kingdom

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