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Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory Technology and Market Report


The information in this report covers the period January 2019 – December 2019. The technology and market module of the FCHO presents a range of statistical data as an indicator of the health of the sector and the progress in market development over time. This includes statistical information on the size of the global fuel cell market including number and capacity of fuel cell systems shipped in a calendar year. For this first edition, data to the end of 2019 is presented where possible, alongside analysis of key sector developments. Fuel cell system shipments for each calendar year are presented both as numbers of units and total system megawatts. The data are further divided and subdivided by: • Application: Total system shipments are divided into Transport, Stationary and Portable applications • Fuel cell type: Numbers are provided for each of the different fuel cell chemistry types • Region of integration: Region where the final manufacturer – usually the system integrator – integrates the fuel cell into the final product • Region of deployment: Region where the final product was shipped to for deployment The data is sourced directly from industry players as well as other relevant sources including press releases, associations and other industry bodies.

Funding source: The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory has been prepared for the FCH 2 JU under a public procurement contract/EU
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Belgium

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