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Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Hydrogen Deflagrations in 25 m3 Enclosure


Explosion venting is a frequently used measure to mitigate the consequence of gas deflagrations in closed environments. Despite the effort to predict the vent area needed to achieved the protection through engineering formulas and CFD tools, work has still to be done to reliably predict the outcome of a vented gas explosion. Most of available data derived from experimental campaigns performed in the past involved homogeneous conditions, while, especially in the case of a very buoyant gas such as hydrogen, the most probable scenario that can follow and unintended release in a closed environment foresee the ignition of a stratified inhomogeneous mixture. University of Pisa performed experimental tests in a 25 m3 facility in homogeneous and inhomogeneous conditions. The present paper is aimed to share the results of hydrogen dispersion and deflagration tests and discuss the comparison of maximum peak overpressure generated in the two scenarios. Description of the experimental set-up includes all the details deemed necessary to reproduce the phenomenon with a CFD tool.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Italy

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Homogeneous and inhomogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in 25 m3 enclosure

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