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A Non-dimensional Surrogate Model of Stratified Filling During Indoor, Plume-look Hydrogen Releases


Hydrogen is commonly used as feedstock in industrial processes and is regarded as a potential future energy carrier. However, its reactivity and low density make it difficult to handle and store safely. Indoor hydrogen dispersion can cause a fire or explosion hazard if encountering an ignition source. Safety practices often use time expensive modelling techniques to estimate risk associated with hydrogen. A neural network based surrogate model could efficiently replace Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling in safety studies. To lower the dimensionality of this surrogate model, a dimensional analysis based on Buckingham’s Pi-theorem is proposed. The dimensional analysis examines stratified filling and highlights the functional parameters involved in the process. Stratified filling occurs for buoyancy dominated releases and is characterized by layers of decreasing concentration starting at the ceiling of the enclosure and developing towards the bottom. The study involves four dimensional cases that were simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed dimensionless time and dimensionless volume. The setup considered in this paper consists of a parallelepiped enclosure with standard atmospheric conditions, a single release source and one pressure outlet to ensure constant pressure during the release. The results of the CFD simulations show a distinct pattern in the relation of hydrogen molar fraction and dimensionless time. The pattern depends on the dimensionless height of the measurement location. A five-parameter logistic (5PL) function is proposed to fit the data from the CFD models. Overall, the paper provides insights into the functional parameters involved in the evolution of hydrogen mass fractions during stratified filling. It provides a nondimensional surrogate model to compute the evolution of the local concentrations of hydrogen during the development of stratification layers.

Funding source: "This research is funded by the Belgian Energy Transition Funds (ETF) of the Federal Planning Service for Economy and made possible through the BE-HyFE (Belgian Hydrogen Fundamental Expertise) project."
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Belgium

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