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Overview of International Activities in Hydrogen System Safety in IEA Hydrogen TCP Task 43


Safety and reliability have long been recognized as key issues for the development, commercialization, and implementation of new technologies and infrastructure, and hydrogen systems are no exception to this rule. Reliability engineering, quantitative risk assessment (QRA), and knowledge exchange each play a key role in proactive addressing safety – before problems happen – and help us learn from problems if they happen. Many international research activities are focusing on both reliability and risk assessment for hydrogen systems. However, the element of knowledge exchange is sometimes less visible. To support international collaboration and knowledge exchange, the International Energy Agency (IEA) convened a new Technology Collaboration Program, “Task 43: Safety and Regulatory Aspects of Emerging Large Scale Hydrogen Energy Applications” started in June 2022. Within Task 43, Subtask E focuses on Hydrogen Systems Safety. This paper discusses the structure of the Hydrogen Systems Safety subtask and the aligned activities and introduces opportunities for future work.

Related subjects: Safety

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