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Experimental Study on High Pressure Hydrogen Jets Coming Out of Tubes of 0.1–4.2 m in Length


Wide use of hydrogen faces significant studies to resolve hydrogen safety issues in industries worldwide. However widely acceptable safety level standards are not achieved in the present situation yet. The present paper deals with hydrogen leaks from a tube to ignite and explode in atmosphere. The experiments using a shock tube are performed to clarify the auto-ignition property of high pressure hydrogen jet spouting from a tube. In order to improve experimental repeatability and reliability, the shock tube with a plunger system is applied, where the PET diaphragm is ruptured by a needle in order to control a diaphragm burst pressure (hydrogen pressure). As a result, it becomes possible to control the diaphragm burst pressure to obtain a local minimum value. The most important result obtained in the preset study is that the minimum diaphragm burst pressure for auto-ignition is found between 1.0 and 1.2 m of tube length using a longer tube than the one used in the previous study. This minimum tube size is not found elsewhere to suggest that the tube length has a limit size for auto-ignition. Furthermore auto-ignition and Mach disk at the tube exit are observed using a high speed camera which is set at the frame speed of 1x105 fps when the ignited hydrogen jet is spouted out the tube.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Japan

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