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Pressure Management in Smart Gas Networks for Increasing Hydrogen Blending


The injection of hydrogen into existing gas grids is acknowledged as a promising option for decarbonizing gas systems and enhancing the integration among energy sectors. Nevertheless, it affects the hydraulics and the quality management of networks. When the network is fed by multiple infeed sites and hydrogen is fed from a single injection point, non-homogeneous hydrogen distribution throughout the grid happens to lead to a reduction of the possible amount of hydrogen to be safely injected within the grid. To mitigate these impacts, novel operational schemes should therefore be implemented. In the present work, the modulation of the outlet pressures of gas infeed sites is proposed as an effective strategy to accommodate larger hydrogen volumes into gas grids, extending the area of the network reached by hydrogen while keeping compliance with quality and hydraulic restrictions. A distribution network operated at two cascading pressure tiers interfaced by pressure regulators constitutes the case study, which is simulated by a fluid-dynamic and multi-component model for gas networks. Results suggest that higher shares of hydrogen and other green gases can be introduced into existing distribution systems by implementing novel asset management schemes with negligible impact on grid operations.

Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending
Countries: Italy

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