Policy & Socio-Economics
Modeling the Global Annual Carbon Footprint for the Transportation Sector and a Path to Sustainability
Jun 2023
The transportation industry’s transition to carbon neutrality is essential for addressing sustainability concerns. This study details a model for calculating the carbon footprint of the transportation sector as it progresses towards carbon neutrality. The model aims to support policymakers in estimating the potential impact of various decisions regarding transportation technology and infrastructure. It accounts for energy demand technological advancements and infrastructure upgrades as they relate to each transportation market: passenger vehicles commercial vehicles aircraft watercraft and trains. A technology roadmap underlies this model outlining anticipated advancements in batteries hydrogen storage biofuels renewable grid electricity and carbon capture and sequestration. By estimating the demand and the technologies that comprise each transportation market the model estimates carbon emissions. Results indicate that based on the technology roadmap carbon neutrality can be achieved by 2070 for the transportation sector. Furthermore the model found that carbon neutrality can still be achieved with slippage in the technology development schedule; however delays in infrastructure updates will delay carbon neutrality while resulting in a substantial increase in the cumulative carbon footprint of the transportation sector.
Gauging Public Perceptions of Blue and Green Hydrogen Futures: Is the Twin-track Approach Compatible with Hydrogen Acceptance?
Jun 2023
National hydrogen strategies are emerging as a critical pillar of climate change policy. For homes connected to the gas grid hydrogen may offer an alternative decarbonisation pathway to electrification. Hydrogen production pathways in countries such as the UK will involve both the gas network and the electricity grid with related policy choices and investment decisions impacting the potential configuration of consumer acceptance for hydrogen homes. Despite the risk of public resistance be it on environmental economic or social grounds few studies have explored the emerging contours of domestic hydrogen acceptance. To date there is scarce evidence on public perceptions of national hydrogen policy and the extent to which attitudes may be rooted in prior knowledge and awareness or open to change following information provision and engagement. In response this study evaluates consumer preferences for a low-carbon energy future wherein parts of the UK housing stock may adopt low-carbon hydrogen boilers and hobs. Drawing on data from online focus groups we examine consumer perceptions of the government's twin-track approach which envisions important roles for both ‘blue’ and ‘green’ hydrogen to meet net zero ambitions. Through a mixed-methods multigroup analysis the underlying motivation is to explore whether the twin-track approach appears compatible with hydrogen acceptance. Moving forward hydrogen policy should ensure greater transparency concerning the benefits costs and risks of the transition with clearer communication about the justification for supporting respective hydrogen production pathways.
Circular Economy for the Energy System as a Leverage for Low-carbon Transition: Long-Ter, Analysis of the Case of the South-East Region of France
Mar 2024
The circular economy is a decisive strategy for reconciling economic development and the environment. In France the CE was introduced into the law in 2015 with the objective of closing the loop. The legislation also delegates energy policy towards the French regions by granting them the jurisdiction to directly plan the energy–climate issues on their territory and to develop local energy resources. Thereby the SUD PACA region has redefined its objectives and targeted carbon neutrality and the transition to a CE by 2050. To study this transition we developed a TIMESPACA optimization model. The results show that following a CE perspective to develop a local energy system could contribute to reducing CO2 emissions by 50% in final energy consumption and reaching almost free electricity production. To obtain greater reductions the development of the regional energy systems should follow a careful policy design favoring the transition to low energy-consuming behavior and the strategical allocation of resources across the different sectors. Biomethane should be allocated to the buildings and industrial sector while hydrogen should be deployed for buses and freight transport vehicles.
Breaking the Hard-to-abate Bottleneck in China’s Path to Carbon Neutrality with Clean Hydrogen
Sep 2022
Countries such as China are facing a bottleneck in their paths to carbon neutrality: abating emissions in heavy industries and heavy-duty transport. There are few in-depth studies of the prospective role for clean hydrogen in these ‘hard-to-abate’ (HTA) sectors. Here we carry out an integrated dynamic least-cost modelling analysis. Results show that first clean hydrogen can be both a major energy carrier and feedstock that can significantly reduce carbon emissions of heavy industry. It can also fuel up to 50% of China’s heavy-duty truck and bus fleets by 2060 and significant shares of shipping. Second a realistic clean hydrogen scenario that reaches 65.7 Mt of production in 2060 could avoid US$1.72 trillion of new investment compared with a no-hydrogen scenario. This study provides evidence of the value of clean hydrogen in HTA sectors for China and countries facing similar challenges in reducing emissions to achieve net-zero goals.
International Experience of Carbon Neutrality and Prospects of Key Technologies: Lessons for China
Feb 2023
Carbon neutrality (or climate neutrality) has been a global consensus and international experience exchange is essential. Given the differences in the degree of social development resource endowment and technological level each country should build a carbon-neutral plan based on its national conditions. Compared with other major developed countries (e.g. Germany the United States and Japan) China's carbon neutrality has much bigger challenges including a heavy and time-pressured carbon reduction task and the current energy structure that is over-dependent on fossil fuels. Here we provide a comprehensive review of the status and prospects of the key technologies for low-carbon near-zero carbon and negative carbon emissions. Technological innovations associated with coal oil-gas and hydrogen industries and their future potential in reducing carbon emissions are particularly explained and assessed. Based on integrated analysis of international experience from the world's major developed countries in-depth knowledge of the current and future technologies and China's energy and ecological resources potential five lessons for the implementation of China's carbon neutrality are proposed: (1) transformation of energy production pattern from a coal-dominated pattern to a diversified renewable energy pattern; (2) renewable power-to-X and large-scale underground energy storage; (3) integration of green hydrogen production storage transport and utilization; (4) construction of clean energy systems based on smart sector coupling (ENSYSCO); (5) improvement of ecosystem carbon sinks both in nationwide forest land and potential desert in Northwest China. This paper provides an international perspective for a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of carbon neutrality in China and can serve as a theoretical foundation for medium-long term carbon neutral policy formulation.
Greenhouse Gas Emission Dynamics of Saudi Arabia: Potential of Hydrogen Fuel for Emission Footprint Reduction
Mar 2023
The growth of population gross domestic product (GDP) and urbanization have led to an increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The leading GHG-emitting sectors are electricity generation road transportation cement chemicals refinery iron and steel. However the KSA is working to lead the global energy sustainability campaign to reach net zero GHG emissions by 2060. In addition the country is working to establish a framework for the circular carbon economy (CCE) in which hydrogen acts as a transversal facilitator. To cut down on greenhouse gas emissions the Kingdom is also building several facilities such as the NEOM green hydrogen project. The main objective of the article is to critically review the current GHG emission dynamics of the KSA including major GHG emission driving forces and prominent emission sectors. Then the role of hydrogen in GHG emission reduction will be explored. Finally the researchers and decision makers will find the helpful discussions and recommendations in deciding on appropriate mitigation measures and technologies.
Analysis of the Implementation of Functional Hydrogen Assumptions in Poland and Germany
Nov 2022
The use of hydrogen exists in various sectors in Poland and Germany. Hydrogen can be used in industry transport decarbonisation of the Polish steel industry and as one of the low-emission alternatives to the existing coal applications in this sector. Limiting climate change requires efforts on a global scale from all countries of the world. Significant economic benefits will be realized by stimulating the development of new technologies to deal with climate change. The scenarios show an increasing demand for industrial hydrogen in the future. The key is to replace gray hydrogen with green and to convert industrial processes which will create additional hydrogen demand. The condition for the development of a green hydrogen economy is access to adequate installed capacity in renewable energy. Germany will become the leading market in the era of energy transformation in the coming years. The implementation of the hydrogen assumptions in Poland is possible to a greater extent by the efforts of entrepreneurs
An Eco-technoeconomic Analysis of Hydrogen Production using Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells that Accounts for Long-term Degradation
Sep 2022
This paper presents an eco-technoeconomic analysis (eTEA) of hydrogen production via solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) aimed at identifying the economically optimal size and operating trajectories for these cells. Notably degradation effects were accounted by employing a data-driven degradationbased model previously developed by our group for the analysis of SOECs. This model enabled the identification of the optimal trajectories under which SOECs can be economically operated over extended periods of time with reduced degradation rate. The findings indicated that the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) produced by SOECs (ranging from 2.78 to 11.67 $/kg H2) is higher compared to gray hydrogen generated via steam methane reforming (SMR) (varying from 1.03 to 2.16 $ per kg H2) which is currently the dominant commercial process for large-scale hydrogen production. Additionally SOECs generally had lower life cycle CO2 emissions per kilogram of produced hydrogen (from 1.62 to 3.6 kg CO2 per kg H2) compared to SMR (10.72–15.86 kg CO2 per kg H2). However SOEC life cycle CO2 emissions are highly dependent on the CO2 emissions produced by its power source as SOECs powered by high-CO2-emission sources can produce as much as 32.22 kg CO2 per kg H2. Finally the findings of a sensitivity analysis indicated that the price of electricity has a greater influence on the LCOH than the capital cost.
Risk of the Hydrogen Economy for Atmospheric Methane
Dec 2022
Hydrogen (H2) is expected to play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However hydrogen losses to the atmosphere impact atmospheric chemistry including positive feedback on methane (CH4) the second most important greenhouse gas. Here we investigate through a minimalist model the response of atmospheric methane to fossil fuel displacement by hydrogen. We find that CH4 concentration may increase or decrease depending on the amount of hydrogen lost to the atmosphere and the methane emissions associated with hydrogen production. Green H2 can mitigate atmospheric methane if hydrogen losses throughout the value chain are below 9 ± 3%. Blue H2 can reduce methane emissions only if methane losses are below 1%. We address and discuss the main uncertainties in our results and the implications for the decarbonization of the energy sector.
Opportunities for Production and Utilization of Green Hydrogen in the Philippines
Jun 2021
The Philippines is exploring different alternative sources of energy to become energy-independent while significantly reducing the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Green hydrogen from renewable energy is one of the most sustainable alternatives with its application as an energy carrier and as a source of clean and sustainable energy as well as raw material for various industrial processes. As a preliminary study in the country this paper aims to explore different production and utilization routes for a green hydrogen economy in the Philippines. Production from electrolysis includes various available renewable sources consisting of geothermal hydropower wind solar and biomass as well as ocean technology and nuclear energy when they become available in the future. Different utilization routes include the application of green hydrogen in the transportation power generation industry and utility sectors. The results of this study can be incorporated in the development of the pathways for hydrogen economy in the Philippines and can be applied in other emerging economies.
OIES Podcast - Hydrogen Financing
Jan 2023
In this Podcast David Ledesma discusses with Stephen Craen Visiting Research Fellow OIES the challenges facing the financing of future hydrogen projects as it is expected that a substantial amount of capital will need to be invested in green hydrogen production to meet the 2050 net zero targets. Based around an ‘Archetype’ world scale hydrogen export project where 1 GW solar power is used to make green hydrogen which is converted to 250000 tpa green ammonia for export with a capital cost in the region of USD 2 billion the podcast discusses how ‘efficient financing’ can make an important contribution to minimising cost and making projects cost competitive. Stephen Craen argues that lenders and investors will look to precedents when assessing the nascent green hydrogen sector and the foremost will be LNG and offshore wind which both represent large-scale technically complex projects. Commercial structures of the green hydrogen business are expected to borrow concepts from offshore wind projects particularly in relation to price but also from LNG where this is relevant such as take-or-pay contracts. In this podcast we discuss the key issues that will need to be addressed to make a green hydrogen export project bankable concluding that commercial debt from either commercial banks or project bonds can help create competition.
The podcast can be found on their website.
The podcast can be found on their website.
Investment in Wind-based Hydrogen Production under Economic and Physical Uncertainties
Feb 2023
This paper evaluates the economic viability of a combined wind-based green-hydrogen facility from an investor’s viewpoint. The paper introduces a theoretical model and demonstrates it by example. The valuation model assumes that both the spot price of electricity and wind capacity factor evolve stochastically over time; these state variables can in principle be correlated. Besides it explicitly considers the possibility to use curtailed wind energy for producing hydrogen. The model derives the investment project’s net present value (NPV) as a function of hydrogen price and conversion capacity. Thus the NPV is computed for a given price and a range of capacities. The one that leads to the maximum NPV is the ‘optimal’ capacity (for the given price). Next the authors estimate the parameters underlying the two stochastic processes from Spanish hourly data. These numerical estimates allow simulate hourly paths of both variables over the facility’s expected useful lifetime (30 years). According to the results green hydrogen production starts becoming economically viable above 3 €/kg. Besides it takes a hydrogen price of 4.7 €/kg to reach an optimal conversion capacity half the capacity of the wind park. The authors develop sensitivity analyses with respect to wind capacity factor curtailment rate and discount rate.
Global Hydrogen Flows
Oct 2022
Authored by the Hydrogen Council in collaboration with McKinsey and Company Global Hydrogen Flows addresses the midstream challenge of aligning and optimizing global supply and demand. It finds that trade can reduce overall system costs.
In doing so it provides a perspective on how the global trade of hydrogen and derivatives including hydrogen carriers ammonia methanol synthetic kerosene and green steel (which uses hydrogen in its production) can develop as well as the investments needed to unlock the full potential of global hydrogen and derivatives trade.
Our hope is that this report offers stakeholders – suppliers buyers original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) investors and governments – a thorough and quantitative perspective that will help them make the decisions required to accelerate the uptake of hydrogen.
Key messages from the report:
Hydrogen and its derivatives will become heavily traded: 400 out of the 660 million tons (MT) of hydrogen needed for carbon neutrality by 2050 will be transported over long distances with 190 MT crossing international borders.
In a cost-optimal world around 50% of trade uses pipelines while synthetic fuels ammonia and sponge iron transported on ships account for approximately 45%. Europe and countries in the Far East will rely on imports while North America and China are mostly self-reliant.
Trade has huge benefits: It can lower the cost of hydrogen supply by 25% or as much as US$6 trillion of investments from now until 2050. This will accelerate the hydrogen transition which can abate 80 gigatons of CO2 until 2050.
The paper can be found on their website.
In doing so it provides a perspective on how the global trade of hydrogen and derivatives including hydrogen carriers ammonia methanol synthetic kerosene and green steel (which uses hydrogen in its production) can develop as well as the investments needed to unlock the full potential of global hydrogen and derivatives trade.
Our hope is that this report offers stakeholders – suppliers buyers original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) investors and governments – a thorough and quantitative perspective that will help them make the decisions required to accelerate the uptake of hydrogen.
Key messages from the report:
Hydrogen and its derivatives will become heavily traded: 400 out of the 660 million tons (MT) of hydrogen needed for carbon neutrality by 2050 will be transported over long distances with 190 MT crossing international borders.
In a cost-optimal world around 50% of trade uses pipelines while synthetic fuels ammonia and sponge iron transported on ships account for approximately 45%. Europe and countries in the Far East will rely on imports while North America and China are mostly self-reliant.
Trade has huge benefits: It can lower the cost of hydrogen supply by 25% or as much as US$6 trillion of investments from now until 2050. This will accelerate the hydrogen transition which can abate 80 gigatons of CO2 until 2050.
The paper can be found on their website.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Using the Law and Regulation to Facilitate Hydrogen Development
Jun 2022
Burges Salmon’s energy lawyers are known for ground-breaking work in the energy power and utilities sector. They understand the opportunities the technologies and the challenges which the sector presents. Their reputation has been built upon first-of-a-kind projects and deals and an intimate knowledge of energy regulation. Burges Salmon specialists provide expert advice throughout the project/plant life cycle. Over the years this has in turn led to investors and funders requesting their services in the knowledge that they understand the key issues technologies face. They have a team of over 80 lawyers who focus on helping developers investors and funders achieve their aims in the sector. The team has won or been shortlisted for all the key industry awards in energy over the last decade.
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
Hydrogen Insights 2022
Sep 2022
Authored by the Hydrogen Council in collaboration with McKinsey and Company Hydrogen Insights 2022 presents an updated perspective on hydrogen market development and actions required to unlock hydrogen at scale.
The pipeline of hydrogen projects is continuing to grow but actual deployment is lagging.
680 large-scale project proposals worth USD 240 billion have been put forward but only about 10% (USD 22 billion) have reached final investment decision (FID). While Europe leads in proposed investments (~30%) China is slightly ahead on actual deployment of electrolyzers (200 MW) while Japan and South Korea are leading in fuel cells (more than half of the world’s 11 GW manufacturing capacity).
The urgency to invest in mature hydrogen projects today is greater than ever.
For the world to be on track for net zero emissions by 2050 investments of some USD 700 billion in hydrogen are needed through 2030 – only 3% of this capital is committed today. Ambition and proposals by themselves do not translate into positive impact on climate change; investments and implementation on the ground is needed.
Joint action by the public and private sectors is urgently required to move from project proposals to FIDs.
Both governments and industry need to act to implement immediate actions for 2022 to 2023 – policymakers need to enable demand visibility roll out funding support and ensure international coordination; industry needs to increase supply chain capability and capacity advance projects towards final investment decision (FID) and develop infrastructure for cross-border trade.
The paper can be found on their website.
The pipeline of hydrogen projects is continuing to grow but actual deployment is lagging.
680 large-scale project proposals worth USD 240 billion have been put forward but only about 10% (USD 22 billion) have reached final investment decision (FID). While Europe leads in proposed investments (~30%) China is slightly ahead on actual deployment of electrolyzers (200 MW) while Japan and South Korea are leading in fuel cells (more than half of the world’s 11 GW manufacturing capacity).
The urgency to invest in mature hydrogen projects today is greater than ever.
For the world to be on track for net zero emissions by 2050 investments of some USD 700 billion in hydrogen are needed through 2030 – only 3% of this capital is committed today. Ambition and proposals by themselves do not translate into positive impact on climate change; investments and implementation on the ground is needed.
Joint action by the public and private sectors is urgently required to move from project proposals to FIDs.
Both governments and industry need to act to implement immediate actions for 2022 to 2023 – policymakers need to enable demand visibility roll out funding support and ensure international coordination; industry needs to increase supply chain capability and capacity advance projects towards final investment decision (FID) and develop infrastructure for cross-border trade.
The paper can be found on their website.
Industrial Status, Technological Progress, Challenges, and Prospects of Hydrogen Energy
Apr 2022
Under the requirements of China's strategic goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" as a renewable clean and efficient secondary energy source hydrogen benefits from abundant resources a wide variety of sources a high combustion calorific value clean and non-polluting various forms of utilization energy storage mediums and good security etc. It will become a realistic way to help energy transportation petrochemical and other fields to achieve deep decarbonization and will turn into an important replacement energy source for China to build a modern clean energy system. It is clear that accelerating the development of hydrogen energy has become a global consensus. In order to provide a theoretical support for the accelerated transformation of hydrogen-related industries and energy companies and provide a basis and reference for the construction of "Hydrogen Energy China" this paper describes main key technological progresses in the hydrogen industry chain such as hydrogen production storage transportation and application. The status and development trends of hydrogen industrialization are analyzed and then the challenges faced by the development of the hydrogen industry are discussed. At last the development and future of the hydrogen industry are prospected. The following conclusions are achieved. (1) Hydrogen technologies of our country will become mature and enter the road of industrialization. The whole industry chain system of the hydrogen industry is gradually being formed and will realize the leap-forward development from gray hydrogen blue hydrogen to green hydrogen. (2) The overall development of the entire hydrogen industry chain such as hydrogen production storage and transportation fuel cells hydrogen refueling stations and other scenarios should be accelerated. Besides in-depth integration and coordination with the oil and gas industry needs more attention which will rapidly promote the high-quality development of the hydrogen industry system. (3) The promotion and implementation of major projects such as "north-east hydrogen transmission" "west-east hydrogen transmission" "sea hydrogen landing" and utilization of infrastructures such as gas filling stations can give full play to the innate advantages of oil and gas companies in industrial chain nodes such as hydrogen production and refueling etc. which can help to achieve the application of "oil gas hydrogen and electricity" four-station joint construction form a nationwide hydrogen resource guarantee system and accelerate the planning and promotion of the "Hydrogen Energy China" strategy.
Green Hydrogen in Developing Countries
Aug 2020
In the future green hydrogen—hydrogen produced with renewable energy resources—could provide developing countries with a zero-carbon energy carrier to support national sustainable energy objectives and it needs further consideration by policy makers and investors. Developing countries with good renewable energy resources could produce green hydrogen locally generating economic opportunities and increasing energy security by reducing exposure to oil price volatility and supply disruptions. Support from development finance institutions and concessional funds could play an important role in deploying first-of-a-kind green hydrogen projects accelerating the uptake of green hydrogen in developing countries and increasing capacity and creating the necessary policy and regulatory enabling environment.
Navigating the Implementation of Tax Credits for Natural-Gas-Based Low-Carbon-Intensity Hydrogen Projects
Mar 2024
This paper delves into the critical role of tax credits specifically Sections 45Q and 45V in the financing and economic feasibility of low-carbon-intensity hydrogen projects with a focus on natural-gas-based hydrogen production plants integrated with carbon capture and storage (CCS). This study covers the current clean energy landscape underscoring the importance of low-carbon hydrogen as a key component in the transition to a sustainable energy future and then explicates the mechanics of the 45Q and 45V tax credits illustrating their direct impact on enhancing the economic attractiveness of such projects through a detailed net present value (NPV) model analysis. Our analysis reveals that the application of 45Q and 45V tax credits significantly reduces the levelized cost of hydrogen production with scenarios indicating a reduction in cost ranging from USD 0.41/kg to USD 0.81/kg of hydrogen. Specifically the 45Q tax credit demonstrates a slightly more advantageous impact on reducing costs compared to the 45V tax credit underpinning the critical role of these fiscal measures in enhancing project returns and feasibility. Furthermore this paper addresses the inherent limitations of utilizing tax credits primarily the challenge posed by the mismatch between the scale of tax credits and the tax liability of the project developers. The concept and role of tax equity investments are discussed in response to this challenge. These findings contribute to the broader dialogue on the financing of sustainable energy projects providing valuable insights for policymakers investors and developers in the hydrogen energy sector. By quantifying the economic benefits of tax credits and elucidating the role of tax equity investments our research supports informed decision-making and strategic planning in the pursuit of a sustainable energy future.
What Is the Policy Effect of Coupling the Green Hydrogen Market, National Carbon Trading Market and Electricity Market?
Oct 2022
Green hydrogen has become the key to social low-carbon transformation and is fully linked to zero carbon emissions. The carbon emissions trading market is a policy tool used to control carbon emissions using a market-oriented mechanism. Building a modular carbon trading center for the hydrogen energy industry would greatly promote the meeting of climate targets. Based on this a “green hydrogen market—national carbon trading market–electricity market” coupling mechanism is designed. Then the “green hydrogen market—national carbon trading market–electricity market” mechanism is modeled and simulated using system dynamics. The results are as follows: First coupling between the green hydrogen market carbon trading market and electricity market can be realized through green hydrogen certification and carbon quota trading. It is found that the coupling model is feasible through simulation. Second simulation of the basic scenario finds that multiple-market coupling can stimulate an increase in carbon price the control of thermal power generation and an increase in green hydrogen production. Finally the proportion of the green hydrogen certification the elimination mechanism of outdated units and the quota auction mechanism will help to form a carbon pricing mechanism. This study enriches the green hydrogen trading model and establishes a multiple-market linkage mechanism.
Is Blue Hydrogen a Bridging Technology? - The Limits of a CO2 Price and the Role of State-induced Price Components for Green Hydrogen Production in Germany
Jun 2022
The European Commission aims to establish green hydrogen produced through electrolysis using renewable electricity and in a transition phase hydrogen produced in a low-carbon process or blue hydrogen. In an extensive cost analysis for Germany up to 2050 based on scenario data and a component-based learning rate approach we find that blue hydrogen is likely to establish itself as the most cost-effective option and not only as a medium-term low-carbon alternative. We find that expected CO2 prices below €480/tCO2 have a limited impact on the economic feasibility of electrolysis and show that substantial increases in excise tax on natural gas could lead blue hydrogen to reach a sufficient cost level for electrolysed hydrogen. Unless alternatives for green hydrogen supply through infrastructure and imports become available at lower cost electrolysed hydrogen may require long-term subsidies. As blue hydrogen comprises fugitive methane emissions and financing needs for green hydrogen support have implications for society and competition in the internal market we suggest that policymakers rely on hydrogen for decarbonising only essential energy applications. We recommend further investigations into the cost of hydrogen infrastructure and import options as well as efficient subsidy frameworks.
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