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The Limitations of Hydrogen Blending in the European Gas Grid


In recent years, various studies have put forward the prospect of relying on low-carbon or renewable gases such as green hydrogen (H2) or biomethane to replace the supply of natural gas. Hydrogen in particular is receiving much attention as a versatile energy carrier that could complement direct electrification in a plethora of end-uses and questions over its production and deployment play an important part in the ongoing discussions around the energy chapters of the European Commission’s Green Deal agenda.
The aim of the short study was to assess the technical feasibility, emission savings and cost impacts of the addition of hydrogen to the existing gas transport network, the so-called practice of “hydrogen blending”, which is currently being discussed as a deployment pathway in the context of the review of the EU Gas Market Regulation (GMR) and the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) regulation.
The document can be downloaded from their website

Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending
Countries: Germany

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