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Safety and Environmental Standards for Fuel Storage Sites


The main purpose of this report is to specify the minimum standards of control which should be in place at all establishments storing large volumes of gasoline.
The PSLG also considered other substances capable of giving rise to a large flammable vapour cloud in the event of a loss of primary containment. However, to ensure priority was given to improving standards of control to tanks storing gasoline PSLG has yet to determine the scale and application of this guidance to such substances. It is possible that a limited number of other substances (with specific physical properties and storage arrangements) will be addressed in the future.
This report also provides guidance on good practice in relation to secondary and tertiary containment for facilities covered by the CA Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Parts of this guidance may also be relevant to other major hazard establishments.

Funding source: Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United Kingdom

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