Conceptual Design of a Metal Hydride System for the Recovery of Gaseous Hydrogen Boil-Off Losses from Liquid Hydrogen Tanks
Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is a promising energy carrier to decrease the climate impact of aviation. However, the inevitable formation of hydrogen boil-off gas (BOG) is a main drawback of LH2. As the venting of BOG reduces the overall efficiency and implies a safety risk at the airport, means for capturing and re-using should be implemented. Metal hydrides (MHs) offer promising approaches for BOG recovery, as they can directly absorb the BOG at ambient pressures and temperatures. Hence, this study elaborates a design concept for such an MH-based BOG recovery system at hydrogen-ready airports. The conceptual design involves the following process steps: identify the requirements, establish a functional structure, determine working principles and combine the working principles to generate a promising solution.