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Techno-economic Analysis of Green Hydrogen Supply for a Hydrogen Refueling Station in Germany


Green hydrogen is a cornerstone in the global quest for a carbon-neutral future, offering transformative potential for decarbonizing transportation. This study investigates its role by assessing the feasibility of a large-scale hydrogen refueling station in Germany, focusing on integrating renewable energy sources. A hydrogen demand model with a 10-min time resolution to refuel 30 trucks and 20 vans (1019 kg/day) is combined with a techno-economic optimization model to evaluate a hybrid energy system utilizing wind, solar, and grid electricity. Scenario-based analysis reveals that Levelized Cost of Hydrogen ranges from 13.92 to 18.12 €/kg, primarily influenced by electricity costs. Excess electricity sales can reduce this cost to 13.34–16.92 €/kg. On-site wind energy reduces storage and grid reliance, achieving the lowest hydrogen cost. Unlike prior studies, this work combines temporally resolved hydrogen demand profiles with comprehensive techno-economic modeling, offering unprecedented insights into decentralized green hydrogen systems for heavy-duty transport. By bridging critical gaps in the scalability and economic feasibility of Power-to-Hydrogen systems, it provides viable strategies for advancing green hydrogen infrastructure.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Germany

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