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A Two-Stage Robust Optimization Strategy for Long-Term Energy Storage and Cascaded Utilization of Cold and Heat Energy in Peer-to-Peer Electricity Energy Trading


This study addresses the optimization of urban integrated energy systems (UIESs) under uncertainty in peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading by introducing a two-stage robust optimization strategy. The strategy includes a UIES model with a photovoltaic (PV)–green roof, hydrogen storage, and cascading cold/heat energy subsystems. The first stage optimizes energy trading volume to maximize social welfare, while the second stage maximizes operational profit, considering uncertainties in PV generation and power prices. The Nested Column and Constraint Generation (NC&CG) algorithm enhances privacy and solution precision. Case studies with three UIESs show that the model improves economic performance, energy efficiency, and sustainability, increasing profits by 1.5% over non-P2P scenarios. Adjusting the robustness and deviation factors significantly impacts P2P transaction volumes and profits, allowing system operators to optimize profits and make risk-aligned decisions.

Funding source: This study is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2021YFE0102400)
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways

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