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Collaborative Control Strategy of Electric–Thermal–Hydrogen-Integrated Energy System Based on Variable-Frequency Division Coefficient


To address the issues of diverse energy supply demands and power fluctuations in integrated energy systems (IESs), this study takes an IES composed of power-generation units, such as wind and photovoltaic units, along with various energy-storage systems, including electrical, thermal, and hydrogen storage, as the research subject. A collaborative control strategy is proposed for the IES, which comprehensively considers the status of diverse energy-storage systems like battery packs, thermal tanks, and hydrogen tanks. First, a mathematical model of the IES is constructed. Then, a dual-layer collaborative control strategy is designed, considering different operating modes of the IES, which includes a multi-energy-storage power allocation control layer based on second-order power-frequency processing and distribution and an adaptive adjustment layer for adjusting powerfrequency coefficients based on adaptive fuzzy control. Finally, MATLAB is used to simulate and validate the proposed strategy. The results indicate that the collaborative control strategy based on variable-frequency coefficients optimizes the allocation of fluctuating power among multiple energy-storage systems, enhances the stability of bus voltage, reduces the deep charge and discharge time of battery packs, and extends the service life of battery packs.

Funding source: This research was funded by the Technology Project of State Grid Inner Mongolia Eastern Power Co., Ltd. Grant Number 526630230008.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways

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