Research on Characteristics of Hydrogen Dynamic Leakage and Combustion at High Pressure
Hydrogen is promoted as an alternative energy given the global energy shortage and environmental pollution. A scientific basiscan be provided for the safe use and emergency treatment of hydrogen based on hydrogen leakage and combustion behavior.This study examined the stagnation parameters of dynamic hydrogen leakage and flame propagation in turbulent jets undernormal temperatures and high pressure. Based on van der Waals’ equation of state for gas, a theoretical model for completelypredicting stagnation parameters, outlet gas velocity, and flow rate changes in the process of high-pressure hydrogen leakagecould be proposed, and the calculation result of this model was compared with the experimental result, with an error within±10%. The progression and propagation of the flame in turbulent jets after ignition were recorded using the background-oriented schlieren image technology, and the propagation speed of flame from the ignition position downward and upwardwas calculated. Moreover, the influence of initial pressure, nozzle diameter, and ignition position on the flame propagationprocess and propagation speed was analyzed.