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Eye-readable Sensors for Intuitive Hydrogen Monitoring


Hydrogen energy is a cornerstone of the future climate-neutral economy. Yet, as undetected leaks easily generate dangerous atmospheres, sensing systems must timely detect accumulated hydrogen to prevent ignitions and explosions. Eye-readable sensors (ERSs) displaying intuitive readouts promise to guarantee safe use and universal access to hydrogen-based technology. This review highlights the impact of reversible ERSs in hydrogen moni toring to contextualize their current and potential applicability. First, sensing mechanisms for gasochromic tungsten oxide films and switchable metal hydrides are critically overviewed. Then, pivotal strategies targeting real-time monitorization indoors and permanent leak recording outdoors are presented along with standard hydrogen leakage scenarios, elucidating opportunities for ERSs. Finally, important challenges and desirable userfriendly concepts are discussed with the purpose of narrowing the gap between this class of sensors and the forthcoming hydrogen society.

Funding source: The present study was developed in the scope of the Project “Agenda ILLIANCE” [C644919832-00000035 | Project nº 46], financed by PRR – Plano de Recuperaçao ˜ e Resiliˆencia under the Next Generation EU from the European Union.
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Portugal

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