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Utilization of Hydrogen and Methane as Energy Carriers with Exhaust Gas Recirculation for Sustainable Diesel Engines


Hydrogen and methane as secondary fuels in diesel engines can be promising solutions to meet energy demand. The current study investigated the effect of the specialty gases of different compositions on diesel engine performance and exhaust gases. Four gases with various compositions of exhaust gas recirculation (Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, and Nitrogen) and fuels (Hydrogen and Methane) were used at various mass flow rates of 10, 20, and 25 LPM (liter per minute), and various engine speeds of 2000, 2500, 3000, and 3500 rpm (revolutions per minute). The procured results revealed that adding specialty gases improved brake thermal efficiency and power. Similarly, the brake-specific fuel consumption was also massively retarded compared to diesel due to the influence of the hydrogen and methane composition. However, the fuel with the higher nitrogen reported less BTE (brake thermal efficiency) and comparatively higher exhaust gas temperature owing to the higher presence of nitrogen in their composition. Regarding emissions, including exhaust gas recirculation dropped the formation of pollutants efficiently compared to diesel. Among various fuels, Case 1 (30 % H2, 5 % CH4, 5 CO2, and 60 % CO) reported the lowest emission of NOx, and Case 2 (25 % H2, 5 % CH4, 5 CO2, 30 % CO, and 35 % N2) of CO and CO2 emissions. Generally, specialty gases with a variable composition of exhaust gas recirculation gases can be a promising sustainable replacement for existing fossil fuels.

Funding source: "The Research Office of UAE University supports this work, grant number 31N449 and grant number 12N001."
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways

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