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Numerical Investigation and Simulation of Hydrogen Blending into Natural Gas Combustion


This study reviews existing simulation models and describes a selected model for analysing combustion dynamics in hydrogen and natural gas mixtures, specifically within non-ferrous melting furnaces. The primary objectives are to compare the combustion characteristics of these two energy carriers and assess the impact of hydrogen integration on furnace operation and efficiency. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, incorporating actual furnace geometries and a detailed combustion and NOx emission prediction model, this research aims to accurately quantify the effects of hydrogen blending. Experimental tests on furnaces using only natural gas confirmed the validity of these simulations. By providing precise predictions for temperature distribution and NOx emissions, this approach reduces the need for extensive laboratory testing, facilitates broader exploration of design modifications, accelerates the design process, and ultimately lowers product development costs.

Funding source: This research was conducted as part of the HyH2-Ofen Project (Autonomer, hybrider wasserstoffbetriebener Tiegelofen), and funded by InvestBW, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-Württemberg [BW1_0176/02].
Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending
Countries: Germany

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