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Component and System Levels Limitations in Power-Hydrogen Systems: Analytical Review


This study identifies limitations and research and development (R&D) gaps at both the component and system levels for hydrogen energy systems (HESs) and specifies how these limitations impact HES adoption within the electric power system (EPS) decarbonization roadmap. To trace these limitations and potential solutions, an analytical review is conducted in electrification and integration of HESs, renewable energy sources (RESs), and multi-carrier energy systems (MCESs) in sequence. The study also innovatively categorizes HES integration challenges into component and system levels. At the component level, technological aspects of hydrogen generation, storage, transportation, and refueling are explored. At the system level, HES coordination, hydrogen market frameworks, and adoption challenges are evaluated. Findings highlight R&D gaps, including misalignment between HES operational targets and techno-economic development, integration insufficiency, model deficiencies, and challenges in operational complexity. This study provides insights for sustainable energy integration, by supporting the transition to a decarbonized energy system.

Funding source: This work was supported by the Canada National Sciences and Engineering Research Council through the Laval University, [grant number: ALLRP567550-2].
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Canada

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