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Hydrogen Jet Flame Simulation and Thermal Radiation Damage Estimation for Leakage Accidents in a Hydrogen Refueling Station


With the rapid development of hydrogen energy worldwide, the number of hydrogen energy facilities, such as hydrogen refueling stations, has grown rapidly in recent years. However, hydrogen is prone to leakage accidents during use, which could lead to hazards such as fires and explosions. Therefore, research on the safety of hydrogen energy facilities is crucial. In this paper, a study of high-pressure hydrogen jet flame accidents is conducted for a proposed integrated hydrogen production and refueling station in China. The effects of leakage direction and leakage port diameter on the jet flame characteristics are analyzed, and a risk assessment of the flame accident is conducted. The results showed that the death range perpendicular to the flame direction increased from 2.23 m to 5.5 m when the diameter of the leakage port increased from 4 mm to 10 mm. When the diameter of the leakage port is larger than 8 mm, the equipment on the scene will be within the boundaries of the damage. The consequences of fire can be effectively mitigated by a reasonable firewall setup to ensure the overall safety of the integrated station.

Funding source: This research was funded by the Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co., Ltd., “Study on hydrogen dispersion, fire thermal radiation, and overall layout optimization for new skid-mounted hydrogen production systems and hydrogen refueling stations” (042300007948), the National Key R&D Program of China (2022YFC3006005 and 2023YFB2504300) and the Key R&D Program of Hubei Province of China (2023BCB046).
Related subjects: Safety

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