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Optimization of Integrated Energy System Considering Electricity and Hydrogen Coordination in the Context of Carbon Trading


In order to improve the consumption of renewable energy and reduce the carbon emissions of integrated energy systems (IESs), this paper proposes an optimal operation strategy for an integrated energy system considering the coordination of electricity and hydrogen in the context of carbon trading. The strategy makes full use of the traditional power-to-gas hydrogen production process and establishes a coupling model comprising cogeneration and carbon capture equipment, an electrolytic cell, a methane reactor, and a hydrogen fuel cell. Taking a minimum daily operating cost and minimal carbon emissions from the system as objective functions, a mixed-integer nonlinear optimal scheduling model is established. This paper designs examples based on MATLAB R2021b and uses the GUROBI solver to solve them. The results show that compared with the traditional two-stage operation process, the optimization method can reduce the daily operation cost of an IES by 26.01% and its carbon emissions by 90.32%. The results show that the operation mode of electro-hydrogen synergy can significantly reduce the carbon emissions of the system and realize a two-way flow of electro-hydrogen energy. At the same time, the addition of carbon capture equipment and the realization of carbon recycling prove the scheduling strategy’s ability to achieve a lowcarbon economy of the scheduling strategy.

Funding source: This research was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2023YFB4102704), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52266017), and the Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 21&ZD133). This study was also supported by the Tianshan Talent Innovation Team Project of Xinjiang, the Xinjiang Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 2021D01E08), the Xinjiang Regional Coordination Special Project—International Science and Technology Cooperation Program (No. 2022E01026), the Xinjiang Major Science and Technology Special Project (No. 2022A01002-2, No. 2022A01007-1, and No. 2023A01005-02), the Xinjiang Key Research and development Project (No. 2022B03028-2, No. 2022B01033-2, No. 2022B01022-1, and No. 2022B01020-4), the Central Guidance on Local Science and Technology Development Project (No. ZYYD2022C16), the Innovation Team Project of Xinjiang University (500122006021), and the High-Level Talents Project of Xinjiang University (No. 100521001).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways

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