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Development of a New Renewable Energy System for Clean Hydrogen and Ethanol Production


The present research work aims to present a uniquely designed renewable energy-based integrated system along with an equilibrium model for the processing of feedstock by following a hybrid route of thermochemical and biochemical ways. In this regard, Canadian maple leaves and plastic wastes are selected as potential feedstocks for co-pyrolysis and syngas fermentation. The influence of co-pyrolysis process parameters on the overall system performance is investigated and assessed. Also, several sensitivity analyses are performed to determine the optimal operating parameters that can generate maximum yields of hydrogen and ethanol. The present system is further investigated thermodynamically in terms of energetic and exergetic approaches and efficiencies. The present study shows that a molar flow ratio of 1:1 for maple leaves to plastic wastes, a temperature of 1000◦C temperature, and a pressure of 1 bar appear to be the most suitable operating conditions with the net production capacities of 7.43 tons/day for hydrogen and 8.72 tons/day for ethanol. The cold gas efficiency and LHV of the syngas produced are found to be 57.23% and 19.96 MJ/kg, respectively. The overall energetic and exergetic efficiencies of the present system are found to be 30.98% and 26.88%, respectively.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Canada

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