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Carbon-neutral Cement: The Role of Green Hydrogen


Business-as-usual (BAU) cement production is associated with a linear model that contributes significantly to global warming and is dependent on volatile energy markets. A novel circular model is proposed, by adding three power-to-gas system components to current production systems: a calcium-looping (CaL) CO2 capture unit; water electrolysis for hydrogen and oxygen generation; and a methanation unit for synthetic natural gas (SNG) production. The paper presents the first analysis of the combined industrial-scale operation of these components in a closed loop, where the SNG fuels the cement kiln and the CaL unit, while the O2 produced feeds it. The circular, hybrid, and BAU models are compared in three feasibility scenarios. It is concluded that the circular model outperforms the other alternatives environmentally, opening a potential pathway for the cement industry to achieve near net-zero CO2 emissions, reduce energy dependence and improve economic efficiency.

Funding source: This work was supported by the IST-ID (UIDP/50009/2020-FCT and UIDB/50009/2020-FCT) and c5 Lab - Sustainable Construction Materials (CENTRO-04-3559-FSE-000096 and LISBOA-05-3559-FSE-000008).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Portugal

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