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Generalized Thermodynamic Modelling of Hydrogen Storage Tankes for Truck Application


Hydrogen-driven heavy-duty trucks are a promising technology for reducing CO2 emissions in the transportation sector. Thus, storing hydrogen efficiently onboard is vital. The three available or currently developed physical hydrogen storage technologies (compressed gaseous, subcooled liquid, and cryo-compressed hydrogen) are promising solutions. For a profound thermodynamic comparison of these storage systems, a universally applicable model is required. Thus, this article introduces a generalized thermodynamic model and conducts thermodynamic comparisons in terms of typical drive cycle scenarios. Therefore, a model introduced by Hamacher et al. [1] for cryo-compressed hydrogen tanks is generalized by means of an explicit model formulation using the property ��2� from REFPROP [2], which is understood as a generic specific isochoric two-phase heat capacity. Due to an implemented decision logic, minor changes to the equation system are automatically made whenever the operation mode or phase of the tank changes. The resulting model can simulate all three storage tank systems in all operating scenarios and conditions in the single- and two-phase region. Additionally, the explicit model formulation provides deeper insights into the thermodynamic processes in the tank. The model is applied to the three physical hydrogen storage technologies to compare drive cycles, heat requirement, dormancy behavior, and optimal usable density. The highest driving ranges were achieved with cryo-compressed hydrogen, however, it also comes with higher heating requirements compared to subcooled liquid hydrogen.

Funding source: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the joint project “CryoTRUCK” by the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV, FKZ 03B10411E) and the project supervision by the project management organization Projektträger Jülich (PtJ).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Germany

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