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Hydrogen-powered Aviation in Germany: A Macroeconomic Perspective and Methodological Approach of Fuel Supply Chain Integration into an Economy-wide Dataset


The hydrogen (H2) momentum affects the aviation sector. However, a macroeconomic consideration is currently missing. To address this research gap, the paper derives a methodology for evaluating macroeconomic effects of H2 in aviation and applies this approach to Germany. Three goals are addressed: (1) Construction of a German macroeconomic database. (2) Translation of H2 supply chains to the system of national accounts. (3) Implementation of H2-powered aviation into the macroeconomic data framework. The article presents an economy-wide database for analyzing H2-powered aviation. Subsequently, the paper highlights three H2 supply pathways, provides an exemplary techno-economic cost break-down for ten H2 components and translates them into the data framework. Eight relevant macroeconomic sectors for H2-powered aviation are identified and quantified. Overall, the paper contributes on a suitable foundation to apply the macroeconomic dataset to and conduct macroeconomic analyses on H2-powered aviation. Finally, the article highlights further research potential on job effects related to future H2 demand.

Funding source: Steven Gronau and Julian Hoelzen acknowledge the financial support by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany in the framework of HyNEAT under grant no 03SF0670A. Tobias Mueller and Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach gratefully acknowledge funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy e EXC - 2163/1 - Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation e Project-ID 390881007.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Germany

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