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Propulsion System Integration for a First-generation Hydrogen Civil Airliner?


An unusual philosophical approach is proposed here to decarbonise larger civil aircraft that fly long ranges and consume a large fraction of civil aviation fuel. These inject an important amount of carbon emissions into the atmosphere, and holistic decarbonising solutions must consider this sector. A philosophical–analytical investigation is reported here on the feasibility of an airliner family to fly over long ranges and assist in the elimination of carbon dioxide emissions from civil aviation. Backed by state-of-the-art correlations and engine performance integration analytical tools, a family of large airliners is proposed based on the development and integration of the body of a very large two-deck four-engine airliner with the engines, wings and flight control surfaces of a very long-range twin widebody jet. The proposal is for a derivative design and not a retrofit. This derivative design may enable a swifter entry to service. The main contribution of this study is a philosophical one: a carefully evaluated aircraft family that appears to have very good potential for first-generation hydrogen-fuelled airliners using gas turbine engines for propulsion. This family offers three variants: a 380-passenger aircraft with a range of 3,300nm, a 330-passenger aircraft with a range of 4,800nm and a 230- passenger aircraft with a range of 5,500nm. The latter range is crucially important because it permits travel from anywhere in the globe to anywhere else with only one stop. The jet engine of choice is a 450kN high-bypass turbofan.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: United Kingdom

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