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Ammonia as a Suitable for Fuel Cells


Ammonia, an important basic chemical, is produced at a scale of 150 million tons per year. Half of hydrogen produced in chemical industry is used for ammonia production. Ammonia containing 17.5 wt% hydrogen is an ideal carbon-free fuel for fuel cells. Compared to hydrogen, ammonia has many advantages. In this mini-review, the suitability of ammonia as fuel for fuel cells, the development of different types of fuel cells using ammonia as the fuel and the potential applications of ammonia fuel cells are briefly reviewed.

Funding source: The authors thank EPSRC SuperGen XIV ‘Delivery of Sustainable Hydrogen’ project (Grant No EP/G01244X/1) for funding. Rong Lan thanks Royal Society of Edinburgh for funding through Scottish Crucible 2013 Program.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: United Kingdom

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