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Demand Side Management Based Power-to-Heat and Power-to-Gas Optimization Strategies for PV and Wind Self-Consumption in a Residential Building Cluster


The volatility of renewable energy sources (RES) poses a growing problem for operation of electricity grids. In contrary, the necessary decarbonisation of sectors such as heat supply and transport requires a rapid expansion of RES. Load management in the context of power-to-heat systems can help to simultaneously couple the electricity and heat sectors and stabilise the electricity grid, thus enabling a higher share of RES. In addition power-to-hydrogen offers the possibility of long-term energy storage options. Within this work, we present a novel optimization approach for heat pump operation with the aim to counteract the volatility and enable a higher usage of RES. For this purpose, a detailed simulation model of buildings and their energy supply systems is created, calibrated and validated based on a plus energy settlement. Subsequently, the potential of optimized operation is determined with regard to PV and small wind turbine self-consumption. In addition, the potential of seasonal hydrogen storage is examined. The results show, that on a daily basis a 33% reduction of electricity demand from grid is possible. However, the average optimization potential is reduced significantly by prediction inaccuracy. The addition of a hydrogen system for seasonal energy storage basically eliminates the carbon dioxide emissions of the cluster. However, this comes at high carbon dioxide prevention costs of 1.76 e kg−1 .

Funding source: This work emanated from research that was conducted with the financial support of the European Commission through the H2020 project Sim4Blocks, grant agreement 695965, from research within the Project “NEQModPlus”, grant number 03ET1618B, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and from research conducted within the project EnVisaGe Plus, grant number 03ET1465B, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Germany

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