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Jet Zero Strategy: One Year On


This report sets out progress against our strategic framework for decarbonising aviation, as well as the latest aviation emissions data and updated Jet Zero analysis.
Among the significant milestones achieved since the Jet Zero strategy launch are the:
- agreement at the International Civil Aviation Organization for a long-term aspirational goal for aviation of net zero 2050 carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for international aviation
- publication of the 2040 zero emissions airport target call for evidence
significant progress on sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) including:
- publishing the second SAF mandate consultation
- launching a second round of the Advanced Fuels Fund
- publishing the Philip New report and the government response on how to develop a UK SAF industry
- publication of the government response to the UK ETS consultation, setting out a range of commitments that will enhance the effectiveness of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for aviation
- launch of the expressions of interest for 2 DfT- funded research projects into aviation’s non-CO2 impacts
The report also acknowledges that big challenges remain and we need to continue to work across the aviation sector, and with experts across the economy, to ensure we continue to make progress on our path to decarbonise aviation.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: United Kingdom

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