Viet Nam
Unusual Hydrogen Implanted Gold with Lattice Contraction at Increased Hydrogen Content
Mar 2021
The experimental evidence for the contraction of volume of gold implanted with hydrogen at low doses is presented. The contraction of lattice upon the addition of other elements is very rare and extraordinary in the solid-state not only for gold but also for many other solids. To explain the underlying physics the pure kinetic theory of absorption is not adequate and the detailed interaction of hydrogen in the lattice needs to be clarified. Our analysis poin Read More
A Thorough Economic Evaluation by Implementing Solar/Wind Energies for Hydrogen Production: A Case Study
Jan 2022
A technical–economic assessment was carried out in this study to determine the possibilities for wind and solar power generation in Afghanistan’s Helmand province. The results showed that most of the province has a solar irradiance of over 400 W/m2 and also showed that wind and solar power generated in the province can be up to twice as cheap as the official price of renewable power in Afghanistan. The most suitable site for solar and hydrogen produc Read More
Valorization and Sequestration of Hydrogen Gas from Biomass Combustion in Solid Waste Incineration NaOH Oxides of Carbon Entrapment Model (SWI-NaOH-OCE Model)
Dec 2019
The valorization of biomass-based solid wastes for both geotechnical engineering purposes and energy needs has been reviewed to achieve eco-friendly eco-efficient and sustainable engineering and reengineering of civil engineering materials and structures. The objective of this work was to review the procedure developed by SWI-NaOH-OCE Model for the valorization of biomass through controlled direct combustion and the sequestration of hydrogen gas f Read More
Computational Intelligence Approach for Modeling Hydrogen Production: A Review
Mar 2018
Hydrogen is a clean energy source with a relatively low pollution footprint. However hydrogen does not exist in nature as a separate element but only in compound forms. Hydrogen is produced through a process that dissociates it from its compounds. Several methods are used for hydrogen production which first of all differ in the energy used in this process. Investigating the viability and exact applicability of a method in a specific context requires accu Read More
Effect of Ignition Energy and Hydrogen Addition on Laminar Flame Speed, Ignition Delay Time, and Flame Rising Time of Lean Methane/Air Mixtures
Mar 2022
A series of experiments were performed to investigate the effect of ignition energy (Eig) and hydrogen addition on the laminar burning velocity (Su 0 ) ignition delay time (tdelay) and flame rising time (trising) of lean methane−air mixtures. The mixtures at three different equivalence ratios (φ) of 0.6 0.7 and 0.8 with varying hydrogen volume fractions from 0 to 50% were centrally ignited in a constant volume combustion chamber by a pair of pin-to-pin Read More
Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Hydrogen Production in Catalytic Dry Reforming: A Systematic Review
May 2021
Dry reforming of hydrocarbons alcohols and biological compounds is one of the most promising and effective avenues to increase hydrogen (H2 ) production. Catalytic dry reforming is used to facilitate the reforming process. The most popular catalysts for dry reforming are Ni-based catalysts. Due to their inactivation at high temperatures these catalysts need to use metal supports which have received special attention from researchers in recent ye Read More
Feasibility Analysis of Hydrogen Production Potential from Rooftop Solar Power Plant for Industrial Zones in Vietnam
Nov 2022
Currently global energy transformation and the promotion of renewable energy use are being taken care of to minimize the harm to the environment. However the disadvantage of renewable energy is the random change which leads to the regulation of grid operations which is very difficult when the capacity of renewable energy sources accounts for a large proportion. The hydrogen production technology from wind and solar energy sources i Read More
An Improved State Machine-based Energy Management Strategy for Renewable Energy Microgrid with Hydrogen Storage System
Oct 2022
Renewable energy (solar and wind) sources have evolved dramatically in recent years around the globe primarily because they have the potential to generate environmentally friendly energy. However operating systems with high renewable energy penetration remain challenging due to the stochastic nature of these energy sources. To tackle these problems the authors propose a state machine-based energy management strategy combined wit Read More
Effects of Compression Ratios on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of SI Engine Fueled with Hydrogen-Enriched Biogas Mixture
Aug 2022
The effects of hydrogen-enriched biogas on combustion and emissions of a dual-fuel sparkignition engine with different hydrogen concentration ratios were studied numerically. A 1-cylinder spark ignition was used to perform a numerical simulation. To reveal the influence of the compression ratios on combustion and emissions of a gaseous engine the crankshaft of the engine was modified to generate different compression ratios of 8.5 9.0 9.4 10.0 and 10. Read More
Development of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers for Hydrogen Storage and Transport
Jan 2024
The storage and transfer of energy require a safe technology to mitigate the global environmental issues resulting from the massive application of fossil fuels. Fuel cells have used hydrogen as a clean and efficient energy source. Nevertheless the storage and transport of hydrogen have presented longstanding problems. Recently liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) have emerged as a solution to these issues. The hydrogen storage technique in LOHC Read More
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